Leeks are a rather used product in Tuscan cuisine, as are onions and spring onions.
The leek, in fact, is a liliacea as well as garlic, onion, shallot, its use overlaps with that of the onion, from which it differs for the best digestibility.
Traces of historical evidence have arrived that affirm that the leek was already known by the Celtic populations as early as 3,000 BC. hieroglyphs attesting to the use of leeks by the slaves involved in the construction of the pyramids have certainly been found. The leek spread in the Mediterranean basin and then all over the world, making itself appreciated for the perfume.
The use of leek has a great versatility, it is used both raw, for example to give aroma to salads, and cooked in various ways. Equally important are its healthy virtues for its purifying, diuretic and laxative characteristics, also remembering that it is a food with a low calories.

Peel the sausages and put them in small pieces in a pan with a drizzle of oil making them jump to make them crispy.
Cut the leeks thinly and cook them in another pan, salting and peppering according to taste and adding some vegetable stock to cook them.
When the leeks are cooked, add the cream and curry and the crispy sausage and finally the chopped parsley and garlic.
Throw the pasta into the boiling and salted water.
When the pasta is cooked, drain it directly into the pan with the sauce to make them jump together and serve hot.
Peel the sausages and put them in small pieces in a pan with a drizzle of oil making them jump to make them crispy.
Cut the leeks thinly and cook them in another pan, salting and peppering according to taste and adding some vegetable stock to cook them.
When the leeks are cooked, add the cream and curry and the crispy sausage and finally the chopped parsley and garlic.
Throw the pasta into the boiling and salted water.
When the pasta is cooked, drain it directly into the pan with the sauce to make them jump together and serve hot.