Se con i dolci della Toscana la prima cosa che vi viene in mente sono i Cantuccini da inzuppare nel Vinsanto vuol dire che siete nel posto giusto al momento giusto. Dovete assolutamente provare questa rivisitazione solo per GOLOSI ESTREMI!!!

AuthorToscane DI GustoCategoryDifficultyIntermediate

Prep Time1 hrCook Time30 minsTotal Time1 hr 30 mins

 350 g flour+ 2 spoon
 350 g cain sugar
 200 g chopped and toasted hazelnuts
 200 g whole hazelnuts
 3 eggs
 100 g dark chocolate to melt
 150 g cocoa
 1 small glass of rum
 1 one packet of yeast
 a pinch of salt
  grated orange peel


Mix the flour with the sugar, add and mix the whole eggs, the orange peel and the chopped hazelnuts.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and add it to the dough together with the cocoa powder and the yeast and lovingly mix the dough.

When everything is well mixed, add the whole hazelnuts and another 2 tablespoons of flour in addition.
The dough will be quite thick and you can work it by hand for another 3/4 minutes. Then roll out a bit of cocoa on a pastry board and roll the rolls with some dough.

Bake for about 20/25 minutes at 200 ° C. Once past this time, remove them from the oven and cut them into strips still hot, as is done with the classic cantucci.

Bake the cantucci again for another 10 minutes and enjoy them in all their flavour.


 350 g flour+ 2 spoon
 350 g cain sugar
 200 g chopped and toasted hazelnuts
 200 g whole hazelnuts
 3 eggs
 100 g dark chocolate to melt
 150 g cocoa
 1 small glass of rum
 1 one packet of yeast
 a pinch of salt
  grated orange peel



Mix the flour with the sugar, add and mix the whole eggs, the orange peel and the chopped hazelnuts.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and add it to the dough together with the cocoa powder and the yeast and lovingly mix the dough.

When everything is well mixed, add the whole hazelnuts and another 2 tablespoons of flour in addition.
The dough will be quite thick and you can work it by hand for another 3/4 minutes. Then roll out a bit of cocoa on a pastry board and roll the rolls with some dough.

Bake for about 20/25 minutes at 200 ° C. Once past this time, remove them from the oven and cut them into strips still hot, as is done with the classic cantucci.

Bake the cantucci again for another 10 minutes and enjoy them in all their flavour.


Strong Cantuccini (tuscan biscuit)
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